Tuesday, December 17, 2013

HOPE Poster

For this project we did a poster just like the obama  HOPE poster. This project was super fun! Even though there were so many steps to follow it was the most fun one. Its so cool how we layered the colors and it turned out like that. I think it looks really pretty and if I did this project again I would choose different colors.

Monday, December 2, 2013


This was the last project we did so far. We made a CubeeCraft. I made angel from lilo and stitch. I did this because no one else made a cubeecraft for it and its from one of my favorite movies. I had a lot of fun with this project too.

Magazine Cover

the Forth Project we did was a magazine cover. I made mines about fashion. I also liked this project. I think the most difficult part of this project was finding a picture for the background.

National Geographic Cover

The third project we did was our National Geographic cover. I thought that this project was fun. For this assignment we had to find a national geographic cover from the internet, then delete the background, and insert our franken darwin animal on it. Then we also had to think of 3 or 4 other titles to put on the cover to make it look like a real magazine cover.